Welcome to The Pointer Site, a service provided by OnYourMark, LLC for Domain Name Redirection. Our company is a fine family of companies that are dedicated to providing unparalleled levels of web expertise and service to small and medium-sized businesses.

Each division within our company represents a core technology and marketing focus that is tightly integrated to bring added value to the other. We separate just enough to offer the best-of-breed technology and service while still maintaining our commitment to offering innovative and cutting-edge solutions for our clients.

OnYourMark, LLC is a well-established company that has been in business since 1987 when we first began as an Industrial Marketing Company. As the years progressed, we recognized the importance of digital marketing and seized the opportunity to expand our services to meet the growing needs of our clients. In 1994, we launched www.OnYourMark.com to showcase our web design, production, programming, hosting, and Internet marketing capabilities.

We take great pride in our work and the relationships we have built with our clients. Many of them have been with us since the 1980s, and we continue to work diligently to provide them with exceptional services and support. Our experience and expertise have allowed us to work with manufacturers and businesses of all sizes, and we look forward to helping more companies establish a compelling online presence through The Pointer Site.

Thank you for choosing The Pointer Site by OnYourMark, LLC for your domain name redirection needs. We're excited to work with you and support you in achieving your business goals.

Our Story...

Our story begins with a simple idea of providing businesses with a reliable, hassle-free, and affordable way to redirect their website traffic to a new domain name, without losing their current search engine rankings or traffic. We saw a need in the market for a service that focused solely on domain name redirection, and we decided to fill that void.

We are proud of our story, and we are excited about the future. As the web continues to evolve, we will continue to evolve with it, staying true to our mission of delivering exceptional web solutions that help businesses grow and succeed.

Problems We Solve...

At The Pointer Site, we understand that small and medium-sized businesses face a variety of challenges when it comes to managing their web presence. This is why we offer domain name redirection services that help solve several key problems.

Firstly, our service simplifies the process of managing multiple domain names associated with your business. Instead of having to maintain different websites, you can redirect all domain names to a single website, making it easier to manage your online presence. Secondly, we help businesses maintain consistency in their branding and messaging by ensuring that their customers are directed to the correct website, regardless of which domain name they use.

Our Solutions...

Whether you need help with domain name redirection, website design and development, or digital marketing, we have the skills and expertise to deliver the solutions you need. Trust us to help you take your online presence to the next level.

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